How To Prevent Security Risks With A Reliable VPN App

How To Prevent Security Risks With A Reliable VPN App?

The online environment is growing more dangerous by the minute. It is estimated that in 2018 alone, losses from cybercrime mounted up to a truly staggering number of $8 trillion. And that number is expected to be on the rise in the years to come. That being said, you should know that different types of cyberattacks threaten your online safety in numerous ways and, sometimes, it can be hard to predict where the next attack might be coming from – or in what form. The good news is that a lot of work has been done on improving the cybersecurity of both individuals and businesses worldwide. Today, you can successfully prevent security risks with a reliable VPN app that won’t be a huge investment but will provide huge benefits. A secure VPN connection will help you prevent phishing dangers, DDoS attacks, and many more.

Guide To A VPN’s Role In Cybersecurity

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) has become a staple for both individuals and the corporate world nowadays. Contrary to popular belief, a VPN doesn’t just let you unblock streaming platforms or browse the Internet without any online censorship – its benefits go much further than what meets the eye. By creating a secure connection between you and the Internet, a VPN will create an added layer of privacy by hiding your location so that it can’t be tracked. This is especially important if you plan on using public WiFi at any point in time.

Most importantly, in the process of hiding your IP address and online activity, a VPN will also block the most easily exploitable loopholes in your cybersecurity. So to say that getting your hands on this app will be beneficial is an understatement. You might want to consider a VPN as a necessity, instead of a luxury.

Cybercrime And Types Of Attacks – Which Security Risks Can You Prevent With A Good VPN App

The main thing you need to know about cybercrime is that the attacks seem to be changing their form and shape on a yearly basis. Thus, 2018 could be regarded as the year of ransomware, while 2019 was the year where social engineering stole the spotlight. Clearly, hackers are getting smarter and are taking all measures to curb their activities – but so are we. There’s a lot to know about preventing security risks with a VPN – but everything revolves around the most common types of attacks that you’ll want to nip in the bud.


All types of viruses that could be sent to the victim go under one name – malware. It goes without saying that every type has its characteristics that just keep on evolving. Now, if you are worried about malware, know that there are a few actions you can take to protect yourself from it. Apart from being cautious about which sites you access and what you download on the Internet, you can also turn to VPNs for some additional support. A VPN is rather useful if you want to prevent malware from finding its way to your PC. Once again, this feature of VPNs is particularly important if you are accessing the Internet by using a public hotspot. That’s where most dangers lurk.


If you are a you are at a high risk of a DDoS attack. A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is an attack where a hacker uses many different servers to send irrelevant data to his/her victim’s device, causing the device to crash. You might not see the connection between a VPN and a barrier that will protect you against DDoS attack – but allow us to explain. A reliable VPN will mask your address so that an attacker’s attempts to flood your device with unnecessary data will be futile. You’ll stay far away from a DDoS attack which, truth be told, can be coming from any person that manages to get ahold of DDoS software. And those are very much available nowadays.

Social Engineering And Phishing

Social engineering is one of the newest forms of cybercrime. With the rise of so many different social networks that we use on a daily basis, saying that you are at risk of different forms of social engineering is an understatement. In essence, social engineering is convincing a person to reveal private pieces of information to a hacker’s favor and against the victim’s better judgment. Phishing could be one of the most notorious forms of this type of cybercrime. Phishing is an occurrence where a hacker uses e-mail to impersonate someone else, such as your bank or an organization that you trust. Once you open a phishing email, you will typically open an attachment or click on a link that hides malware.

Whether or not you’ll fall victim to social engineering depends on a couple of variables. Good and responsible Internet behavior is a must, but so is a secure VPN app. A VPN will shield your identity, thus preventing hackers from intercepting your communications. You can prevent security risks with a reliable VPN app – but it won’t be nearly enough unless you act responsibly, as well.

How Much Does It Cost To Prevent Security Risks With A Reliable VPN App?

Oh, haven’t you heard? The best part about using a reliable VPN app to prevent security risks is that you don’t even have to spend a fortune. Apart from a plethora of free VPNs that you can use, there are many top-tier VPNs that cost as little as $2 per month. However, the point of the matter is that you shouldn’t try to pinch pennies when it comes to something as important as your online privacy and security. Instead of opting for a free VPN, use the 30-day free trial option that a lot of reputable providers offer. You can easily opt-out of the deal if you feel like you aren’t getting your money’s worth.

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