Communication Tools In Smart Working

Communication Tools In Smart Working

In recent months, the word Smart Working has been in all conversations about how to face the future in companies, both from the employee and company’s point of view. We reviewed the pillars and key aspects of implementing a working model like this in a previous post. The important thing in this sense is to know the what and not the how when defining this new dynamic. During digital transformation, it is evident that the way of relating to each other and the environment has changed, and the way of understanding work and working. Companies, then, have to adapt to these changes and ensure that their workers are more satisfied, motivated, and productive.

What Communication Tools Will Help Us Implement Smart Working

We will therefore focus on communication tools, the indispensable ally to successfully achieve this challenge. Companies have been forced to promote teleworking, and this implies, among other things, providing their employees with intelligent work tools to carry out their tasks efficiently from a mobile workplace that can vary in location and that in many cases, Sometimes it will be remote. With these tools, it is possible to optimize communications between employees, even in remote locations, to automate tasks and edit documents collaboratively under an Internet connection. It is also essential to have communication tools that allow remote employees to close contact with each other in real-time.

One of the many communication tools that allow interaction in real-time is Microsoft Teams. With an integrated system of virtual switchboard in the cloud using this Microsoft platform, it is possible to centralize all business communications, whether internal or external, speeding up interaction between teams. This type of communication tool allows unifying all the telecommunications to be carried out.

Traditional telephone calls such as those made through the network in video call format or through the chat itself will become your organization’s star internal communication tool. Finally, we can share files between workers and create workgroups with their corresponding task managers. These unified interaction systems have become the fundamental basis of professional activity since they allow people to work together from a distance, share content and hold meetings. In addition, with an important addition, the preservation of information and the ease of use of this tool.

Smart Working, The Model Of The Future

Although the implementation of Smart Working had taken small steps in the past, it has not been since the paradigm shift brought about by COVID-19 that its turning point has arrived. More and more organizations, large companies, and SMEs are betting on it in our country and outside our borders. In the United States, a survey of directors and financial leaders found that 74% of them plan to continue with part of their team working remotely even after the restrictions that the pandemic has brought with it end and we return to the new normal.

Smart Working is a model for the future and especially important for companies that want to attract the best talent. Generation Z will soon make up a large part of the world force. Companies such as Dell, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are in the US. 21% of this group consider that one of the essential factors to accept a job offer is flexibility. Any company that wants to add new people to its team to continue growing must create an agile environment where they find it more comfortable to work and develop all their skills.

In conclusion, we must change and evolve our work model. Create a habitat that is attractive to talented young people who represent the future of our companies and implement the complete digitization of our organizations with the use of these technologies. A new way of working more intelligently, a look to the future from another perspective.

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