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Intelligent All Flash Storage For Hybrid Cloud At Dell EMC Powerstore

Intelligent All Flash Storage For Hybrid Cloud At Dell EMC Powerstore

Storage is a critical resource that must be taken care of as much as possible. In the hybrid infrastructures that organizations are opting for, it is a challenge to rely on storage solutions that understand and streamline any workload, wherever it comes from. That’s the main virtue of Dell EMC PowerStore as intelligent All-Flash storage for hybrid cloud. In this post, we present its main characteristics.

This innovative storage system from Dell EMC integrates all the cutting-edge technologies associated with these types of resources. It is an All-Flash storage solution, that is, it allows to store in memory instead of magnetic disks, it provides lower energy consumption and less access time to data.

It is based on the Storage Defined Software (SDS) concept, so that it is possible to manage from a single console all storage resources of whatever type (on-premises, virtual, public, and private cloud), balancing the loads between them based on the demands of AI applications.

It also includes SCM (Storage Class Memory) technology, a power source that prevents data loss if there is a system error or a power outage, specifically the new dual-port Intel Optane. It also incorporates the NVMe data access and transmission protocol that offers speed ratios well above the traditional SCSI, consuming less energy and providing a better bandwidth experience and reduced latencies, something key in Big Data & Analytics environments.

Containerized Architecture, Microsoft SQL 2021 Optimization, And Vmware Functionalities

What I’ve written so far is just the beginning of the benefits of the Dell EMC PowerStore storage solution. We are facing a storage proposal that combines state-of-the-art hardware with the flexibility and design of modern software, which optimizes the demands of both public and private cloud environments, and corporate or edge data centers.

By using a containerized software architecture, which enables portability and standardization of functions, the main obstacles to storage in terms of performance, scalability, and efficiency are avoided.

Its advantages in terms of data-centric design, intelligent automation, and adaptive architecture, are maximized thanks to its optimization for Microsoft SQL 2021 Big Data Clusters. It incorporates functionality to directly implement and manage new applications based on SQL, which simplifies the work of database administrators.

Additionally, by incorporating advanced capabilities from VMware’s ESXi hypervisor, Dell EMC PowerStore provides unprecedented flexibility for the VMware ecosystem.

Intelligent Application Development And Workload Automation

Precisely the integration of this storage system with VMware ESXi is the basis of its AppsON functionality, which speeds up application deployment and ensures smooth transfers between PowerStore devices and VMware ESXi servers.

Additionally, application development and workflows are intelligently optimized and automated through a broad ecosystem of DevOps and open management frameworks. Your users can also take advantage of plugins such as CSI, Kubernetes, Ansible, and vRealize. The automation of storage by IA is a machine learning engine that continuously monitors the cluster and recommends actions to balance resources of the same.

Finally, in this short appetizer of the benefits of Dell EMC PowerStore All-Flash storage, note that its highly available, the active-active design supports blocks, files, and vols natively with intelligent and continuous data reduction that includes deduplication technologies and advanced compression.

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