Reasons Why MVR Monitoring Is Important

Reasons Why MVR Monitoring Is Important

Any company that utilizes vehicles as part of their business has made a considerable investment, and they rely on this transportation to improve their bottom line. Going above and beyond to ensure customers are satisfied is usually the top priority. Screening employees with an MVR check (motor vehicle record) on a routine basis has specific advantages you may not have considered previously.

Common Information Found On An MVR Check

Ensuring the right drivers are hired to represent a business will need a proactive approach, and the information found on the MVR report can help the process. Depending on where you live, the details can vary slightly, but below is what you’ll expect to find.

  • The driving history of the candidate
  • Driver’s license( class, status- suspension/revoked, etc)
  • Possible auto related crimes, accident reports, DUIs, citations

1. Makes Sense For Your Business

According to Forbes, only about 50 percent of new hires are successful for the long term, so more businesses utilize pre-screening methods to seek the best candidates. A motor vehicle record check ensures you’re placing a qualified driver behind the wheel and staying in compliance. Hiring a responsible driver can enhance the brand image, increase profitability, and minimize the risk of losing assets. Finding a concern is something that would then need to be carefully considered by the hiring manager.

2. Reduce Potential Business Costs

Did you know that in 2019 traffic crashes cost employers more than 70 billion dollars, according to the NETS? (Network of Employers for Traffic Safety) The reason behind the damage can be attributed to anything from distracted driving or operating a vehicle under the influence. Of course, it is an investment to properly screen employees, but avoiding costs associated with significant auto accidents makes much more financial sense.

3. Keeps Everyone Safe On The Road

While any company wants to ensure the drivers that work for them are safe on the road, it’s equally important to think about the welfare of other motorists. Continual monitoring employees with motor vehicle record checks should have the following points considered:

  • What should the frequency of an MVR check be?
  • Does the cost of annual MVR checks benefit the company as a whole?
  • Which employees benefit the most from this type of monitoring?

4. Stay In Compliance With Department Of Transportation

The DOT can hold a company responsible for what drivers do. For example, a DOT regulated business could be held liable for an injury caused by an accident by a current employee. Any employer should be well informed about who they are allowing out on the road to represent their company. In summary, an MVR check protects the business, employees, and any other drivers on the road.

5. Improve Workplace Culture

Knowing as much as possible about potential hires will benefit the company culture. More importantly, it can reduce the likelihood of higher turnover rates when clear expectations are set forth before the first day of employment. As of January 2020, the average person stays in one job for about four years, so making the right decision can positively affect the company’s reputation for the foreseeable future.

The Bottom Line On Using An MVR Check For Employees

Here are the key takeaways from pulling a motor vehicle report as part of the hiring process. These points should be closely considered by any company looking to get the best qualified candidate for their open positions.

  • It’s beneficial for business development and workplace culture.
  • It’s an excellent preventative measure for minimizing liability costs.
  • MVR checks can help keep all drivers protected whether they work for the company or not.
  • Stay in compliance with the department of transportation.

Also Read: Why You Need Customer Profiles And Personas



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