New Technologies At The Service Of Restaurateurs

New Technologies At The Service Of Restaurateurs

New technologies have revolutionized, for the better, the world of catering. Indeed, they allow restaurateurs to generate wealth and offer customers a better experience with their restaurants. What are these new technologies, and how do restaurateurs use them?

Order Terminals

They are becoming more and more widespread, especially in fast food restaurants and even in classic restaurants. An ordering is a device with a touch screen on which customers place their orders with a few clicks.

The order terminals reduce the waiting time in the room and allow faster service. They also offer the possibility of paying for your order by card. In self-service, the purpose of the order terminals is to streamline queues and crowds. When the order is ready, the customer picks it up at the counter.

Digitized Menus

They are available on tablets placed on the table or given to customers when they enter the restaurant. The digitized menu allows the restaurateur to accompany the names of the dishes with attractive images to capture the customers’ attention and give them an idea of ​​the dishes unknown to them. In addition, thanks to an advanced search filter, the customer can quickly find what he is looking for.

Interactive Tables

Interactive tables are another innovative solution for restaurants. Thanks to these screens, customers can bring a server to their table for a particular need or consult a digitized menu and place their orders directly.

This way, order errors are avoided because the order is recorded directly in the kitchen, and a server cannot make a mistake. It is also possible to pay your bill using payment applications.

The interactive tables are also used to make the customer wait while preparing their order by allowing them to access social networks and games.

The Use Of Robotics

Server robots are cyber-humans aiming to eliminate the problems associated with service by human servers. This innovation allows for faster service, fewer ordering errors, and servers with consistently welcoming facial expressions. Restaurant owners can also use robots to clean floors and drones to deliver home orders.

Cash Register Software

They make it possible to optimize the management of your restaurant by facilitating many daily tasks such as inventories of available stocks, recording of prices, mapping of tables, and closing of cash registers.

This cash register software also allows better reservation management because, thanks to them, you can quickly get an idea of ​​the free tables to accept or prevent a reservation. The terminal also records your payments and allows you to have precise statistical data, among other things, on the performance of your restaurant or a specific service.

New technologies allow customers to live a unique experience that is difficult to forget. Restaurant owners must be ready to invest in these technologies to have a clear competitive advantage.

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