What Is PAM In Identity And Access Management

What Is PAM In Identity And Access Management

It controls who can access corporate data and systems, how, where, and when is critical to prevent cyber attacks. In companies, there are multiple accounts in both IT and business profiles that are complex to manage. In this post, we explain what PAM is in identity management.

Companies are aware of the value of all types of data to optimize their processes and benefit their business. Customers, employees, and suppliers are leaving a data trail necessary to know how to store, process, and protect to obtain accurate information to discover new business opportunities, optimize operations, and save costs, making investments profitable.

The channels of access to this data are increasing. It is no longer only necessary to pay attention to the endpoint devices that people use (mobile phones, tablets, laptops, PCs) and the machines themselves interacting with each other through automated processes and the IoT.

What Is Privileged Access Management?

Implementing solutions for identity and access management makes it difficult for cyberattacks to succeed. The privileged access strategy defines the capabilities of users, whether human or not when entering corporate IT applications and infrastructure. The theft of privileged credentials is the main objective of practically 100% of today’s most advanced cyberattacks. If they succeed, they obtain the key to virtually ‘walk’ through the systems they want.

In companies, there are multiple accounts with privileges: IT administrator accounts to configure systems and applications; network domain management accounts from which to administer systems and servers; user accounts to access their work programs; developer accounts. The challenge is how to control and monitor all of them at the same time to protect them from increasingly sophisticated threats. This is where PAM comes in.

What Does PAM Mean?

PAM (Privileged Access Management) is a solution for managing privileged access. Allows you to provide highly delimited privileges for the user profiles that you define. With PAM management, companies can centralize access management by monitoring them to protect critical IT resources, avoid security vulnerabilities, and comply with GDPR and sector-specific regulations.

PAM’s control over accesses and privileged identities allows proactively detecting a cyber threat and solving the identified incident. By granting delimited access levels to the work tasks of each profile in the case of humans or the implementation of specific processes in the case of machines, it is easy to identify abuses of privileges automatically.

The management of PAM privileged access is a key piece within the cybersecurity strategy of companies, which includes the IAM solutions and the MDM (Mobile Device Management).

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