How To Avoid Cost Overruns In The Public Cloud

How To Avoid Cost Overruns In The Public Cloud

The modernization of the technological infrastructure of companies passes the consumption of resources in the public cloud to reduce expenses and gain agility. But many have discovered that not only did they not achieve savings, but their expenses have increased. We explain how to avoid cost overruns in the public cloud.

Big cloud service providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, etc. advertise and offer multiple options to put all the IT a business needs in their clouds. It’s hard to resist the simplicity of public cloud consumption and the promised cloud savings.

But despite the agility and flexibility of the cloud that allows easy access to both software and infrastructure resources to cover any need without having to endure slow and expensive on-premises implementation processes, the cloud environment also demands knowledge and a strategy of migration to the particular public cloud so as not to end up with oversizing and cost overruns.

Consulting For A Migration Plan To The Public Cloud

Migrating to the public cloud without a pre-established strategy is the main cause of failures in the cloud. And that strategy has its starting point in a cloud consultancy that determines the company’s technological needs, assesses the IT assets it has and fully understands the business. Only in this way can a digital transformation plan be configured in which it is decided what must be transferred to the cloud, how and where, and what must remain on-premises, also undertaking its update if necessary.

Because that is the crux of the matter, in corporate IT modernization, not all resources are amenable to moving to the public cloud. It is a mistake to transfer everything to the cloud and expect the same performance as in its physical version. There are assets that, for security reasons or dependency on legacy systems, it is better to keep on-premises. It is essential to be clear about who or what department uses what, when and for what.

It is critical to strike a reasonable balance between physical and cloud resources to deploy an optimal hybrid IT infrastructure. And what systems to migrate to the public cloud? The most common trend is to start with those not the company’s core, that is, to consume cloud resources for developing new applications, opt for services that complement other existing assets at the user level, etc. In any case, the cloud migration roadmap advises going little by little.

Hybrid Cloud Management And Cloud Savings

Proper management of public cloud resources begins with a correct choice of cloud service provider. Once again, the myth of cloud simplicity falls apart because there are dozens of possibilities. With extensive knowledge of the particularities of each option, it is possible to choose the best one. Multicloud environments are born from taking the best of each cloud and not depending on a single cloud provider.

How to succeed in multi-cloud management? Once again, with knowledge about their licensing models, security guarantees, SLAs and legal compliance, etc. This information, together with the conclusions of the previous consulting and evaluation phase, will make it possible to contract what is necessary, avoiding extra costs that often have their origin in contracting too many storage resources, CPU, RAM, network and even Reserved Instances, those assigned to applications with maximum use.

Integrated Corporate IT Platform And Cost Optimization

A continuous evaluation of new and existing cloud resources must complement this optimal migration to the cloud. In this way, some recurring situations in many companies can be detected, such as the operation during weekends of resources linked to services/applications that are not active in that period or the payment for assets linked to projects or developments that are no longer operational in the company.

In other words, it is necessary to apply continuous cloud optimization to guarantee the best performance of resources and the desired cost savings in the cloud. To achieve this, it is essential to have the support of cloud architects and professionals in public cloud management, such as those offered by Orbit Consulting Group to companies. Its performance is combined with its experts in optimizing hybrid infrastructures in which it is possible to consume cloud services both as SaaS and subscription, with implementations of cloud solutions in the company’s physical data center.

The ultimate goal is to build an integrated corporate IT platform of both cloud and on-premises resources that guarantees maximum performance for automated business processes and solutions without end users recognizing where the technology supports them comes from.

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