Tips To Manage Negative Opinions On The Internet

Tips To Manage Negative Opinions On The Internet

The opinions of other customers before buying a product or offering a service has become a reflex for consumers. Mismanagement of negative comments on your website or about your product can damage the credibility and notoriety of your company. How to manage the opinions of dissatisfied customers? Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your online reputation.

The Importance Of Negative Reviews

Despite your efforts and your professionalism, you cannot guarantee 100% consumer satisfaction. It is therefore essential to be well prepared to receive both positive and negative opinions. Too many disgruntled customers, however, can have an impact on your company’s brand image. It is therefore imperative to have a good strategy to manage them well. Hence the need to use professionals such as Net Offensive for good e-reputation tips: this ensures effective management of these comments and saves your credibility.

Mismanagement of these reviews leads to distrust of other customers, which can influence their purchasing decision. This can impact your company’s turnover and slow down its development. Indeed, the feeling of a dissatisfied customer never goes unnoticed. It is therefore imperative to moderate opinions. Hence the need to use a community manager to manage customer comments in real-time. The latter will take care of the deletion of insulting and offensive notices, but also to respond effectively and anticipate complaints.

Good Moderation Is Key

Simply deleting a negative review is not a solution. If the opinion is well-founded and the customer is truly sincere, it is necessary to respond to him while bringing a solution. A good reactivity of your services in the face of criticism will have a more positive impact if it is followed by an improvement in the quality of your products and services. The community manager can, therefore, respond courteously to the person in an attempt to determine the source of their dissatisfaction. He can then help him find solutions to his problem, or simply confirm that the criticisms have been taken into account.

It is important not to respond hot, especially to the aggressiveness of Internet users. Even if this is a baseless and abusive comment, it will always be appropriate to maintain a courteous and professional tone. A public argument could only damage your online reputation.

Negative Opinions An Opportunity

Justifying yourself to customers is far from enough. You must also apologize for the inconvenience caused and try to find a solution as soon as possible. Proposing a commercial gesture as compensation can also be considered in the most serious cases. It may be a reduction in future purchases, a partial or full refund of the order. This will help to correct the opinion that these customers have of you, but also to reassure other Internet users about the seriousness of your brand.

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