What Is IT Observability And What Benefits Does IT Bring

What Is IT Observability And What Benefits Does IT Bring

Monitoring the performance of the technological infrastructure of organizations is key to repairing all incidents that can negatively impact the business. Lately, there is talk of a new concept set precisely on that goal. This post explains what IT Observability is and what benefits it brings.

The increasingly widespread trend of having distributed infrastructures has complicated traditional corporate IT monitoring operations. For this reason, new tools have been developed that, supported by artificial intelligence, enable a 360º visualization of all technological resources. These tools enable IT Observability of the entire stack of assets that make up the enterprise IT architecture, no matter how dispersed it is in different locations. They can monitor applications and networks, systems, and data.

Observability Of Data From Its Origin To The Analytical Models Applied

Since business success demands the construction of data-centric environments, Data-Centric Observability is critical. The current exponential increase in data is a challenge for organizations that makes it difficult to extract value from them. In this environment, it is complex to be aware of the quality of the datasets and manage their robustness.

The so-called Data Observability provides information about the behavior of data flows and analyzes and machine learning models applied to them to detect anomalies and repair them. The combination of IT Observability and Data Observability tools aims to ensure that the most reliable and accurate data is made available to the right people or systems when needed, regardless of where it is located.

360º Visibility Of The It Infrastructure And The Data Platform

Gartner estimates that poor data quality costs organizations an average of $12.9 million in annual losses. It is a cost that can be remedied by deploying Data and IT Observability solutions. These tools are based on histories to generate statistics on the behavior of data workloads and their flows at their points of origin, which facilitates knowledge of their status to detect any anomaly in real-time.

The simultaneous use of IT Observability technology with Data Observability solutions provides unprecedented granularity when it comes to visualizing and discovering incidents that, until now, remained hidden. Thus, it is possible to know if the data that feeds an analysis system is incomplete or insufficient and immediately identify its origin or why an application service is failing.

IT Management Services To Make Corporate Data Profitable And Guarantee Its Security

As we can see, Observability is an advanced IT monitoring technology that provides a complete view of the company’s application infrastructure and its data platform. We are not only talking about control over the performance of IT assets and data quality but also over business processes. Their help is essential to minimize failures and their negative impact on the business, make corporate data profitable, and guarantee security.

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