What Is A WISP? (Wireless Internet Service Provider)

What Is A WISP? (Wireless Internet Service Provider)

A WISP provides Internet access through wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi hotspots. Wireless access is often used as an alternative to cable-based Internet access where technologies such as DSL or cable connections are not available or can only be implemented with great effort. WISPr is a standard that enables roaming between WLANs from different operators.

The abbreviation WISP stands for Wireless Internet Service Provider. The alternative term Wireless Internet Access Provider (abbreviated WIAP) is sometimes used. A WISP provides its customers with wireless, broadband access to the Internet. Wi-Fi hotspots are often used for this, which are connected to the service provider’s network via a wireless or wired infrastructure.

Authentication and accounting services (AAA services) are provided to use wireless access. Some providers offer other services based on wireless Internet access such as VoIP telephony, VPN services, or Internet television. Like all other Internet Service Providers (ISP), wireless service providers are subject to the requirements of the Telecommunications.

WISP is often active in rural areas to provide alternatives to missing or difficult to implement cable-based Internet access such as DSL or television cables. WISPr (Wireless Internet Service Provider roaming ) is a standard that enables uninterrupted roaming between WLANs from different operators.

The Different Wireless Technologies Of Wireless Internet Services

The wireless technologies used by wireless Internet service providers are different. In many cases, Internet access is based on WLAN technology (standards of the 802.11 families) and Wi-Fi wireless mesh networking. Other technologies include directional radio transmission or proprietary radio technology. The radio spectra used are also very different depending on the technology used and range from the megahertz range to frequencies such as 2.4 or 5 gigahertz to the 60 GHz band or higher.

WISP As An Alternative To Internet Service Providers With Cable Based Internet Connections

Wireless Internet access is often used in rural areas. There they provide an alternative to the lack of cable-based broadband Internet access, such as DSL, fiber-optic cable, or television cable, which can only be implemented with great effort. Entire villages or locations can be equipped with WLAN access points that are connected to the WISP infrastructure via microwave or cable-based technologies.

WISP are also often active in urban areas. They operate WLAN hotspots for mobile Internet access. These accesses are to be seen as an alternative to internet access via the mobile network.

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